Same Day Shipping from the UK!

Same Day Shipping from the UK!

steel boned corsets

Coronavirus Update - We are Open!

COVID-19 is having a dramatic impact on all of our lives.

True Corset is following the guidance of global health experts at the World Health Organization (WHO) and U.K. Government on preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We are reminding our employees about frequent hand washing and we are regularly cleaning and disinfecting our facilities and equipment.

Where possible we have instructed employees across the globe to work remotely and have asked that our employees stay home from work, if they feel sick.

We are open and orders are being shipped on time. There are no delays.

Gift wrapping is no longer available.

Should the situation change we will update this statement.

It’s business as usual, it just looks a little different right now. Remain calm, stay safe and healthy.

Keep Calm & Carry On Waist Training!



Update 27 March 2020


We continue to ship on a daily basis and there are no delays in our warehouse at this point.

Delivery drivers are under strict instructions to put the parcel in front of the door when making a delivery. They will then knock on the door and wait for the door to be opened and parcel to be picked up. If no one is home, they must leave a calling card to advise where the package has been left.

These are unprecedented times and we are trying the best we can to provide an uninterupted service.